C.A.A.R.S (Carers Anonymous Animal Refuge Sanctuary ) is a PRO LIFE voluntary refuge sanctuary manned by volunteers. Our aim is to provide a complete rescue and shelter facility for all distressed abandoned or unwanted pets.

CAARS: Adoption Policy and Home Visits Would you be able to give one of our dogs or cats a caring home ?

This is CAARS standard procedure, of course there will always be exceptions and we will always do our best to accommodate  so please make contact if you feel you don’t meet the criteria but you are kind and caring and feel certain that you can offer a loving home to one of our animals. Documentation proving home visits/checks by other approved organisations or recommendations from veterinarian practices will always be taken into consideration particularly for those living at distance. On your first visit to the sanctuary you will be asked to provide your full address/contact details and postcode; and to confirm that you are willing to allow a random welfare visit within the first 3 months of adoption.

  • Ideally the members of the household that will be living with the new pet should visit the rescue, including any other dogs you may have.
  • If you are thinking of re-homing a puppy we strongly recommend them not to be left alone for long periods of time, the time older dogs can be left varies according to the dog in question, its nature and temperament.
  • We ask you to fill in our Home Check form to confirm that the animal will be kept securely and appropriately, we have a home checking procedure that basically is to ensure you have a secure rear garden with a suitable secure fence depending on the type of dog, also to check any hazards which may be present.
  • We sometimes have dogs that have lived with other pets and would be suitable for a shared or communal garden please ask.
  • We do not re-home an animal if you are about to move house or go on holiday unless proper boarding arrangements are made.
  • If it is a cat you want, we need to know if a cat flap will be provided, if not how the cat will seek shelter in bad weather we do sometimes have indoor cats who would be very happy to live their lives in flats etc.
  • If you live in rented accommodation we will need you to sign to confirm that animals are allowed.
  • We have a pro neutering policy and we provide a voucher to cover part of neutering costs for any animal old enough will be neutered, if you are homing a pup or kitten you will be asked to have the animal neutered once the pet is of a suitable age to do so..
  • We do not home animals to households where they may be exposed to another animals may which represent a riskl.
  • If re-homing a puppy we will, strongly recommend your enrolment to a puppy socialisation class or training group.
  • Obviously space at the rescue is at a premium and a full kennels/cattery could literally mean life or death to some other needy animal, therefore we do not hold animals that have been reserved indefinitely please advise us of any delays. We ask that you collect during our opening times 9am-4pm.
  • Rabbits are highly social animals and are happiest living in neutered, bonded pairs or groups. Except in very rare circumstances, we would prefer that a rabbit that was going to have company.
  • Rabbits are natural athletes and require plenty of space. If your rabbits are going to live outside, they need a sturdy hutch of at least 6ft x 2ft x 2ft and permanent access to a secure exercise run of at least 8ft x 4ft, as recommended by the Rabbit Welfare Association and Fund.
  • Rabbits should be vaccinated every year against Myxomatosis and Viral Haemorrhagic Disease. There is a combined vaccination available from vets.
  • Guinea pigs are social animals and they too should be kept in neutered groups.
  •  We hope this covers everything, but there may be a question that we haven’t thought of, if so please Tel. or email us, we are always happy to hear from prospective new owners, and are happy to discuss any queries that you may have. Please don’t forget there are always exceptions to any rule.